All Logos are made in Illustrator as vectors.


Minimun pricing | $35+

Cost will rise as Logo complexity does.


[email protected]
Email Form

I have a Degree in Graphic Design.

I want to use your logo for profit/selling my brand:
Please refer to commercial use in Terms of Services.

I already commissioned you for a Logo with personal/nonprofit use, but now I would like to use it to sell my brand:
We can discuss either Royalties or purchasing a commercial liscense.

Can I print shirts through you?
No, but I can give suggestions on where to order prints from.

Do you make Decals?
I have the ability to, but this would need to be discussed.

Can I get stickers of my Logo?
I can do that. You would be paying paper and ink costs.
All my stickers are handcut.
However, if this is mass production, I will direct you to some resources that are better suited for this.

Can you do an animation with my Logo?
I cannot but I can direct you to some peers that can.